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Road Management

Reliable and verifiable inspection results

AI approach for Road Management

Sustainable maintenance, better roads

It’s now becoming increasingly impossible, and unsafe, to determine the road quality on site with visual inspections and measurements. These inspections are labour-intensive and the results are often subjective. AI-InfraSolutions offers a new working method. AI-InfraSolutions can offer a complete solution for accelerating processes by bringing together large-scale data acquisition and data enrichment with artificial intelligence. We have our own Mobile Mapping vehicles at our disposal, as well as sensors for large-scale data acquisition which allow us to accurately record roads.

road maintance

We can instantly supply the acquired data AI-ready. Our AI Solutions make sure any road damage and road-related objects like road signs, road markings, public lighting and guide rails are quickly extracted from the data. Location and type, condition and context. The results are objective, constant and uniform. This makes them easy to compare and any mutations can be quickly identified. The specialist can work faster with the basic AI-InfraSolutions information. Reliable and verifiable inspection results ensure our customers introduce the right maintenance measures.

View our smart AI Solutions

Road Management









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