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Mobile Mapping vehicles

Mobile Mapping

Mobile Mapping vehicles for data acquisition

Convert sensor data to AI-ready data Read more about the Mobile Mapping data

High quality data recording and acquisition

Mobile Mapping is a technique whereby a vehicle equipped with cameras and scanners collects geographical information. AI-InfraSolutions has its own fully equipped Mobile Mapping vehicles with a 360-degree camera, several high resolution cameras and one or two LiDAR scanners for generating point clouds at its disposal. This is linked to a high quality GNSS, which works like GPS, allowing the location of the vehicles to be geographically traced.  

AI-InfraSolutions' Mobile Mapping vehicles acquire four types of data: 

  • 360 degree panoramic photographs
  • High resolution photographs
  • Laser data
  • Position and orientation data
Mobile Mapping vehicles with drivers

Convert sensor data to AI-ready data

We start off with anonymising all data and therefore comply with the GDPR regulations. Our in-house developed Image Blurring software blurs all people and vehicles. The images will therefore no longer contain any privacy-sensitive information.

The quality and consistency of the data is incredibly important for automatic detection. We convert all the acquired sensor data into an AI-ready format with our in-house developed recording software. We convert the raw Mobile Mapping data into intelligent, ready-to-use data immediately after acquisition.


Read more about our AI Technology


Mobile Mapping Data

  • 360-degree panoramic photographs

    Several photographs are taken from one vantage point when taking a 360-degree panoramic photograph, with each photograph capturing a different part of the environment. The individual photographs are subsequently combined using special software to generate a panoramic image.
  • High resolution photographs

    High resolution photographs are taken using cameras with advanced sensors and optics, which are capable of capturing a large number of pixels. This results in photographs with better image quality, sharpness and colour accuracy.
  • Laser data

    The collected LiDAR laser data consists of points in a 3D space, where each point contains the location (x, y, and z - coordinates). But other information too, like the intensity of the reflected laser pulse. Combining laser data will allow you to create a detailed and accurate digital model of the environment.
  • Position- and orientation data

    The position and rotation describe the location and orientation of an object in three-dimensional space. This data provides information about where the object is located, especially in relation to other objects.

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