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Ambition for large scale Mobile Mapping?

Become our local Partner!

Mobile Mapping Platform with Automated Data Processing
Are you driven by the ambition to conquer the world of Large-Scale Mobile Mapping? We're here to turn your ambition into reality. At AI-InfraSolutions we offer a cutting-edge Mobile Mapping platform with automated data processing, taking you from raw data to valuable insights. Our mission is to empower your journey, and we invite you to join us as our local partner.

AI-Ready Data Format for Your Solutions
Our Mobile Mapping platform is designed to fulfill your ambitions. With a seamless, end-to-end, 100% automated pipeline, we transform the data you collect into a powerful AI-ready format. Say goodbye to manual data handling, and embrace the future of Mobile Mapping. Your data is processed swiftly, securely, and ready to supercharge your solutions.

Fast and Secure Local Data Storage
Data is the key and we treat it with the utmost care. Our fast and secure local data storage ensures that your valuable information is protected and readily accessible whenever you need it. Join us in achieving excellence in Mobile Mapping, one secure data point at a time.


Data Agnostic 3D-GeoViewer
Your ambition deserves the best tools. Our data agnostic 3D-GeoViewer is at your disposal, providing you with the means to visualize and analyze your data like never before. It's the key to unlocking insights and driving innovation in the world of Mobile Mapping.

From Data to Information to Insight
Ready to embark on a journey from Data to Information to Insight? Join forces with AI-InfraSolutions and make your mark in Large-Scale Mobile Mapping. Your ambition is our inspiration, and together, we'll conquer new horizons.

Fulfill Your Ambition, Partner with us today!

Visit us in Hall 3.2  |  Booth D3.035  

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